Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics and Bioinformatics
Optimizing drug therapy for populations and individuals

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Pmetrics has evolved from decades of work. Please consider a donation to help support continued development. Thank you!
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About Pmetrics

Thank you for your interest in Pmetrics. Pmetrics is a library package for R to perform non-parametric and parametric pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic population and individual modeling and simulation. It is primarily designed for pharmacometric researchers.

Pmetrics is based on over 35 years of research by our laboratory and is the most mature non-parametric method available. Nevertheless, Pmetrics is dynamically evolving. Best of all, it is SHAREWARE with only a suggested donation.


Citing Pmetrics Top

Please help our grant support to keep Pmetrics freely available to the research community! In publicatons that have used Pmetrics as a tool, cite it as:

Neely MN, van Guilder MG, Yamada WM, Schumitzky A, Jelliffe RW. Accurate Detection of Outliers and Subpopulations With Pmetrics, a Nonparametric and Parametric Pharmacometric Modeling and Simulation Package for R. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 2012; 34(4): 467-476.

You can access this citation from within R by typing citation("Pmetrics") into the R console, and you can get it from Pubmed. Thank you!

System Requirements Top

Operating systems: MacOSX (Yosemite or later) and Windows (7 and later), 64 bit systems only.
Memory (RAM): 4GB
Disk: 7 MB free space is required for Pmetrics plus space for R and Fortran, about 100 MB total

Pmetrics Screenshot Gallery Top

Mouse over to see a description, click any image to page through the gallery.

Pmetrics User Manual Top

Click to download.


Pmetrics Tutorials Top

We are hard at work gradually adding to our Pmetrics video tutorial library.

Quick-R is a very useful web introduction to R.